Mata Kuliah Persamaan Differensial

Assalamualaikum....Buat teman- teman yang sulit dalam menghadapi Mata kuliah Persamaan differensial (Kerennya disebut PD) iniloh ada solusi nya.Ciiieeehhh solusi Best Of Th best from me.

Judul Mata Kuliah Persamaan Differensial:
1. Introductions [ download ]
2. First Order Differensial Equations [download]
3. Separable Equations [ download ]
4. Second Order Linear Equations,Constant Coefficient and [download]
5. Fundamental Solutions [ download ]
6. Wronskian and Linier Independent [ download ]
7. Complex root [ download ]
8. Repeat root [ download ]
9. Reduction of Order [ download ]
10. Nonhomogeneus Second order linier Equations ODEs [ download ]
11. Method Of Undetermined Coefficients [ download ]
12. Variation Of Parameter [ download ]
13. Mechanical and Elecrital Vibration [ download ]
14. Power series [ download ]
15. Higher Order Linear Equations [ download ]
16. Laplace Transform [ download ]
17. Step Function [download]
18. Convolution Integral [ download ]
19. Power series [ download ]
20. Series Solution Near An Ordinary Point [ download ]
21. Regular Singular Point [ download ]
22. Euler Equations [ download ]
23. Series Solution Near A Reguler Singular Point [ download ]
24. Bessel Equations [ download ]

Untuk lebih lengkapnya disini

Differential Equations [ download ] karangan Boyce DiPrima

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Merindukan Pemimpin "Pelayan"

Masih adakah hari ini pemimpin yang melayani ummat? Yang mendahulukan kewajiban sebelum menuntut hak? Oleh: Shalih Hasyim Konon, ada sebuah riwayat salafus shalih (pendahulu kita yang shalih), di dalamnya mengandung pelajaran moral yang masih tetap relevan untuk diangkat pada realitas sosial kehidupan kontemporer, sebagai upaya untuk memberikan pembelajaran bagi ummat Islam khususnya dan ummat manusia umumnya. Ini berkaitan dengan spirit service oriented (etos pelayanan) dari kisah Umar bin Khathab...... [Baca selengkapnya...]

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Judul Link mu

Here is a caption with an image that is aligned to the left. This is an example of a Blogger post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what exactly is on your mind. This is an example of a Blogger... [Read more of this review]

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